The rabbit hole
of content

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Alice grew tired of marketing's game,
Writing blogs on B2B, always the same.
Smart videos, captions, social media's art,
And a whitepaper, her latest smart part.

Yet nothing worked, leads trickled in slow,
Not as she wished, in a steady flow.
"The problem's B2B," Alice said with a frown,
Scanning LinkedIn, her spirits down.

"It's all the same, a repetitive lore,
Nothing new, it’s all been done before."

'Nothing new, it's all been done before.'
Alice sighed, her eyes rubbed in distress,
Stuck in a rut, her motivation less.
Longing for fresh, engaging scenes,
To captivate her audience by all means.

"I need content that pulls in leads,"

She spoke aloud, voicing her needs.
Then, a sponsored ad, a curious sight,

A rabbit with eyes, pink and bright. A stopwatch ticking, quiet, profound,
Its caption read: "No need to be bound."

Curious, Alice clicked, a leap of faith,
Tumbling down a path into darkness, with buttons that glow,
Flashing before her, in the depths below.
'I need content that pulls in leads'
Alice thumped down, in a new scene,
Met by the rabbit, large and keen.

"You fell for the hook," it said with a grin,

Alice puzzled, in a digital spin. She looked around, a screen so vast,
Buttons, words, a future cast.
"Am I in my phone?" she asked in wonder.
The rabbit spoke of marketing's thunder.

"Grabbed your attention, yes I did!
You're curious now," it playfully bid.

Alice queried, but it hopped away,
Down the funnel, in marketing's play.
In Google's realm, Alice found her way,
Blogs competing in a bright array.
"Choose me, choose here!" each one cried,
To Alice, they seemed the same, side by side.

"Hard to pick, isn't it?" a voice did say,
A Cheshire Cat, in the search bar's sway.
Its tail danced over options wide,
"How to choose?" Alice replied.

The cat pondered, then grinned with ease,
"It depends on what you seek to seize."
To the right, a blog on B2B pain,
To the left, turning strangers to gain.
Two blogs, two paths, both side by side,
Alice pondered, where to abide?
'How do I know which one to pick?
In a blank expanse, Alice roamed,
Miles she walked, in white uncombed.
No soul in sight, a baffling view,
Then question marks, green and new.

Wriggling on walls, caterpillar-like,
In her solitude, a striking strike.
Frustrated, she cried, "What's the point here?"
A mark popped, in text, black and clear.

"Good question," it formed, in a smoky haze,
"You're here to ask, to seek new ways.
To gain insight, find clarity's light,
So ask away, in this endless night."
With questions answered, fears at bay,
Alice felt calm, in a new way.
Ready to decide, to leave or stay,
New knowledge in hand, to sway her day.

In a garden lush, with fragrance sweet,
Instagram hearts at her feet.
A queen approached, heart on her head,
"You like it here," the Queen said.
"I understand," Alice cut in,
"Yet I need more, a strategy to win."

"The key," said the Queen, "is value true,
Successful brands know what to do. Stick to their worth, never stray,"
Alice listened, learning the way.

Eyes followed the Queen's distant stare,
A group gathered, in the garden fair.
Strategists, writers, a marketing crew,
The Queen spoke, "You're not alone, it's true.

In B2B, agencies lend a hand,
To help you stand and command."
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